Chocolatey brown with gold decals. The finish on the fillets came out looking spectacular, if I do say so myself. Custom cut goat headbadge, as requested by the customer. Clearances for 27.5x2.25" tires. Thru axles front and rear. Slider dropouts for versatility. And to top it all off, some custom fabricated accessories: stem, decaleur, and front rack with removable lowriders. One sexy sexy looking bike.
But in my humble opinion, none of that is the important part. The important things are that the frameset is well fabricated, it'll fit the customer like a custom tailored suit, and that it is designed to do the things that he wants it to do.
Even with all the different kinds of production bicycles out there these days, there is still a niche for custom built bikes. Bikes that do something a little bit different, fit a little bit better, please the eye just a little more. Bikes that appease the need to stand out from the crowd a little. Bikes that will take you just that much further off the beaten path than anything else out there...